Welcome back to Maison musings and boy are we back with a bang.
This month we hear from the incredibly talented singer/songwriter Mereki Beach on what gets her creative juices flowing....
When do you feel motivated creatively or otherwise?
When I feel free.
What’s making you tick right now, is there something new you’ve discovered you can tell us about?
Hmm I'm really late on the Mary Oliver train but I've just discovered her poetry book Blue Horses and it's pretty mesmerizing. I was also late to All about love by Bell Hooks but am buying for literally every person I know- it's such a profound and insightful meditation and education on love and what it is to be human.
How do you start your day, what does your morning routine look like?
My morning routine is to let the dogs into the garden, make myself a cup of tea and do my morning pages (3x pages of stream of consciousness a-la 'The Artist's Way')- once that's done I'll meditate and then onto creative.
When you look at the fashion/creative landscape, who inspires you and how do you think they're shaping culture now?
Hmm I'm very inspired by nature, my friends and London atm! I think that 'culture' is becoming more and more homogenised and I'm super interested in finding and participating in true community and the unique Universes it can create. I was at Bora Aksu's magical fashion week show recently and that felt a bit like that.
What’s most exciting you about this year?
I've been recording my new album ! I've also been working on a super secret project :)
There is so much to watch beyond social media, the way we all consume content is constantly evolving. What are your thoughts on how people are consuming content and inspiration now?
I think that, like most things, there are good and bad- it's incredible to have the access that technology has brought us AND I think it can sometimes be a thief of original thought and/or identity. I don't like it when I notice that I've gotten caught up in a trend, personally. I want to be able to be authentically myself and I think that can only truly come from within and following my own energetic pathway. But I do think that we were put in this realm together for a reason and I really love to be inspired by my friends and my community so I guess it's up to us what we make of it all?
Song that never fails to lift your mood?
Your sweet love by Lee Hazelwood or Ain't no mountain high enough by Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell
What is your favourite possession and the story behind it?
Can I say my dog? ummm probably a pendant that my late father gave to me. His great grandfather won it in a tug of war competition and it's like this round silver disc with an image of the tug-of-war championship on it. It's a really beautiful keepsake of him and our lineage and very special to me. My favorite possessions are always those attached to meaning.
Can I say my dog? ummm probably a pendant that my late father gave to me. His great grandfather won it in a tug of war competition and it's like this round silver disc with an image of the tug-of-war championship on it. It's a really beautiful keepsake of him and our lineage and very special to me. My favorite possessions are always those attached to meaning.
If you could visit anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would it be?
Japan was the first place that came to mind.. I went for my birthday this year and it really is like travelling to another planet in the best way possible. Everyone is so kind and the culture in general is so mindful. I missed that a lot coming home. Also the food is amazing and the karaoke and all the kawaii outfits! But the real answer, at this moment, is probably my home town of Noosa in Australia- it's a tropical paradise with incredible beaches and endless sunshine and good coffee and food full of people that I love.
Tell us something you're passionate about that we might not already know...
I'm very passionate about personal health and healing. I think that if everyone could stop pointing fingers outwards and instead dedicate time to their own growth and self realization the world could be a more kind and fulfilling place for all.
Photo credit - Rose Waite